Friday, August 5, 2011

Taking flight!

August is Indonesian Month
For our trip around the world, we decided to launch from Indonesia. One of our very best and dearest friends is from Indonesia. So it is to her that we dedicate this month. Rehana Rodriquez is an amazing woman with a heart of gold! Her family has a wonderful ministry Jabez Minang Outreach, caring for the people in West Sumatra. Next week we get a cooking lesson from her!

Success! Our first Tasty Thursday was a blast! We cooked Sate Ayam and Lontong, essentially chicken skewers and rice rolls. We used banana leaves to roll the rice. Quite the experience. After rolling the cooked rice in the leaves, you secure with toothpicks and place in boiling water at a simmer for 2 hours. Fortunately, we did some in tinfoil as only 1 of the 4 in banana leaves came out right. The chicken was amazing. We put salt and sugar on the chicken and let it sit for an hour. Then skewered and grilled, adding a sweet soy sauce 1/2 way through. Abi made a peanut sauce with honey and garlic (so you those of you that know me-YUM!). Our recipes this week can be found at

Unusual Shopping List
Banana leaves $1.09
Sweet Soy Sauce $3.69
99 Ranch Market (Asian Market)

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